Lack of Sexual Desire - Dr. Carlos Araújo

Av. Pedroso de Morais, 1619, Sala 507 - Pinheiros, São Paulo - SP, Brazil


Lack of Sexual Desire

The lack of libido is more common in women than in men, however it also happens with some frequency and is a complaint made both by the man and his partner, who may feel dismissed and undesirable.

This type of problem is a lot less usual than erectile dysfunction itself, in which men have sexual desire but still cannot have good enough erections.

Some of the possible physical causes are lcoholism, drugs, obesity, medication side effects, low testosterone levels and diseases like diabetes.

  • On the psychological side we can mention depression, stress, childhood trauma, latent homossexuality and relationship problems.

  • Still today there is no specific medication to improve libido, unless when testosterone decrease is proven. It is important to keep in mind that erectile dysfunction medication does not improve libido, it only interferes in erection.

  • From the Sexual Therapy point of view, libido is an energy originated from the instinct of life, which promotes interest, preservation, development conduction, that is to say that it seeks pleasure in building a healthy positive human development.

  • Libido is a vital energy present in men through different phases of development. Currently it is the main spring that provokes interest and desire, seeking pleasure in preserving the species. Organic factors and medication can affect libido.

  • Frustration experienced in sex life, for example, can trigger a decrease in desire, worsening the psychosocial status of the individual more and more.

  • Drugs and specific medication also affect libido, bringing major consequences to sexual performance. It is up to a specialist to define the reason for this libido loss.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday (8:00am – 6:00pm)
 Closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Book an appointment

In person and online consultation

(11) 99372-0300 / (11) 94251-8283

Phone: (11) 5642-1717

Address: Av. Pedroso de Morais, 1619 – Pinheiros, São Paulo – SP

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Instituto Paulista has the goal of treating the patient in the most complete way possible, taking into account both physical and psychological issues. To accomplish that, we have a multidisciplinary team that includes Sexual Therapists.

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