Peyronie Disease - Dr. Carlos Araújo

Peyronie Disease

Peyronie Disease is a penis tortuosity, often mild, often times hindering and impairing sexual relations. The problem is usually progressive and the sooner it is treated, the best results will occur, so look for your doctor and start your treatment soon.

Doença de Peyronie - Tratamentos contra Disfunção Erétil

Peyronie Disease: what is it and how to treat it?

Peyronie Disease (PD) is a common pathology among men from 40 to 65 years-old, which provokes penis tortuosity, making it difficult or even hindering sexual intercourse. Although it happens more often in patients older than 40, nowadays younger patients have also been
more commonly diagnosed. It is well known that Peyronie Disease makes a big impact in the quality of life, with major psychological effects.

PD corresponds to the presence of fiber plates in the corpus cavernosum tunica albuginea. This plates may vary in size and position, ranging from minimal and, therefore, hard to
notice, up to big and multiple that compromise the tunica albuginea almost to its entirety. In some cases its beginning is acute, involving pain during erection or perception of palpable plates along with penile deformity.

In other patients, the beginning is slower and the deformity enhances little by little, according to the fibers, which might lead to calcification. The predominance of Peyronie Disease lays in diabetic patients. This calcification origins are not quite defined, but may be attributed in parts to small and repeated traumas during sexual intercourse, micro traumas during nocturnal erections or direct trauma in individuals with pre-disposition.

A common symptom is the manifestation of a lump felt under the penis skin, causing painful erections and sometimes loosening the penis head. As this pathology is progressive, treatment must be done as soon as possible.

In its acute phase it is characterized by pain, painful erections, penile curvature during erection and palpable plate during the physical exam. Peyronie Disease (PD) can be firstly treated with clinical treatments. Is certain cases, it might be necessary to perform surgery, that is when PD leads to a penile curvature that impairs or compromises vaginal penetration and when the disease is already stable for 6 – 12 months.

Surgery may only be considered when clinical treatments are not successful, when the patient still finds it difficult to have sex and after the penile deformity (curvature, constriction or indentation and thinning) stabilizes.

In some cases, Peyronie Disease fully compromises the erectile function of the penis; in such cases surgical treatment kicks in, since it has consolidated effectiveness. Surgical treatment for Peyronie Disease can be guided as such:

  1. Curvature correction surgery: this procedure aims to elongate the shortened side.
  2. Erection correction surgery: when the erectile function is compromised, penile prosthesis are a possibility. Fortunately nowadays there are good and safe solutions to Peyronie Disease and only a doctor may evaluate which is best for each particular case.

Are you interested? Book an appointment with Dr. Carlos Araújo!

Questions regarding Peyronie Disease

Does it provoke scar tissue?

In Peyronie Disease, there is inflammation inside the penis, which causes scar tissue formation. Once the scar tissue does not expand during erection, the erectile penis is curved, complicating and hindering penetration during sexual intercourse.

Can the scar tissue extend up to the erectile tissue?

Yes, the scar tissue may extend up to the erectile tissue (corpus cavernosum), provoking erectile dysfunction.

Can this disease provoke painful erections?

Yes, the scar tissue may extend up to the erectile tissue (corpus cavernosum), provoking erectile dysfunction.

How is the diagnose done?

The doctor usually diagnoses according to an exam of the penis. In some occasions, an ultrasound is done to evaluate the scar tissue.

What is the Peyronie Disease treatment like?

There are three types of treatment for Peyronie Disease: oral medication, substance injection in the plates and surgery. Oral medication would be recommended in the initial phase, when there is pain and change in the curvature.

Vitamins, medication and anti-inflammatories may relieve the symptoms, however they can rarely modify the disease evolution, making it necessary to use injections or surgeries, depending on the patient’s case.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday (8:00am – 6:00pm)
 Closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Book an appointment

In person and online consultation

(11) 99372-0300 / (11) 94251-8283

Phone: (11) 5642-1717

Address: Av. Pedroso de Morais, 1619 – Pinheiros, São Paulo – SP

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Instituto Paulista has the goal of treating the patient in the most complete way possible, taking into account both physical and psychological issues. To accomplish that, we have a multidisciplinary team that includes Sexual Therapists.

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